Vintage Srl, Fashion that doesn't age



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Mon-Sat: 06.00 am - 6.30 pm
Sunday: Closed

Collecting and Taking
Second-Hand Clothes

Recovery, Donation and
Environmental Sustainability

Operating in Italy
and over the world

Vintage Srl, Fashion that doesn't age

Vintage Srl, was founded in 1994 and is located in San Severo (a small country near Foggia), a few km from the Gargano promontory in the northern part of Puglia. Owner of 4,000 square meter open space, Vintage srl takes used clothes from various national and foreign territories by placing special bins or in ``door to door`` collection mode. The Company is also equipped with authorization to transport on behalf of third parties and carries out the transport activity by means of special proprietary vehicles throughout the national territory.
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    I agree with the data processing agreement in accordance with Article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003.

    Our Numbers

    Throughout the national territory, there are actually about 2,000 bins distributed in 228 countries between Puglia, Basilicata, Molise, Abruzzo, Lazio, Campania and Sicily. The overall population covered by the service is approximately 1 million 500 thousand inhabitants residing in the Bari, Foggia, Lecce, Taranto, Bat, Brindisi, Matera, Potenza, Isernia, Campobasso, Chieti, Avellino, Caserta, Caltanissetta, Messina, Catania and Palermo italian provinces, for a total area of over 15,000 sq. km.

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    Special containers for the collection of second-hand clothes distributed throughout the national territory



    We are in Puglia, Basilicata, Molise, Abruzzo, Lazio, Campania e Sicily

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    The overall population covered by the service


    The recovery activity is aimed at the pursuit of a social goal. Building a better word together by carrying out the following activities:

    1. Recovery Guarantee

    Recovery guarantee of the second-hand clothes, by encouraging users to spread the culture of environmental sustainability.

    2. Costs reduction for the countries

    Reduction of a high quantity of waste in landfills and reduction of costs for the municipal administration.

    3. Donation

    Donation of part of the recovered clothes to the needy people.

    4. Occupation

    Permanent employment for disadvantaged people and/or unemployed young people excluded from the working world.

    5. Enhancement

    Enhancement of the separate waste collection chain with implementation of the provisions of Legislative Decree 152/2006 as amended.

    Our commitment to the Environment

    In 2011, the Vintage company contributed to the birth of the ``Second-hand Clothes Consortium``, which brings together various companies involved in the recovery of second-hand clothes.

    The second-hand clothes coming out from post-consumer cycles belong to
    the type of urban waste and therefore identified for the purposes of classification with the EWC codes:
    – 20.01.10 clothes;
    – 20.01.11 second-hand clothes

    The Vintage Srl of Capillo Antonio has ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
    quality certificates.


    Vintage Srl is also involved in the social sector. It monthly indeed donates a contribute to the A.d.O.S. association.


    S.P. 20 Km. 17,300 - Zona ASI, 71016 San Severo FG(+39) 0882

    Opening Time

    Mon-Sat06.00 am - 6.30 pm